We are pleased to share a list of grantees from recent grant cycles. We hope this provides insight into the breadth and depth of the scholarship we funded under these calls. Congratulations to all our grantees!
The two most recent cycles of Conference Grants were funded under our call for proposals focused on Critical Issues in Advancing Racial Equity and Innovative Methods.
Conference Grant Awardees (October 2020 cycle)
Colloquium on College Sport (In)Equity: Working within and beyond the law to achieve intersectional racial justice praxis
Siduri Haslerig and Kirsten Hextrum
University of Oklahoma
Translating Critical Race Research for Evidenced-Based Policymaking
Francesca Lopez, Royel Johnson, Ashley Patterson, and LaWanda Ward
The Pennsylvania State University
Other Suns: Designing for Racial Equity through Speculative Education
Nicole Mirra and Antero Garcia
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Conference Grant Awardees (May 2021 cycle)
The Intersection of Racial Equity and Time-Series Methods
Stephanie Del Tufo, Alexander P Demos
University of Delaware
Building Raciolinguistic Justice in Midwestern Dual Language Programs through Research-Practice Partnerships
Lisa M. Dorner, Deborah Palmer
University of Missouri – Columbia
Early Childhood Care & Education Quality with Equity at the Center
Mark Nagasawa, Alexandra Daniel
Bank Street College of Education
Community as a Campus: Decolonial Praxis and Chicago’s Paseo Boricua
Jonathan Rosa, Laura Ruth Johnson
Stanford University
Addressing Racial Equity Through Infusing Transformative Social and Emotional Learning into Educator Preparation: Moving Forward to Advance a Research, Practice, Policy Agenda
Kimberly A. Schonert-Reichl, Katherine Zinsser, Josefina Bañales,
Robert Jeffries Jagers
University of Illinois at Chicago
Reimagining Educational Work for Collective Freedom: The Labor Strike as a Portal
Sabina Vaught, T. Elon Dancy, Nancy Glazener
University of Pittsburgh
The Voices of Student Activists Who Moved A Nation: Documenting the Lessons of the Past Through Innovative Educational Research
Dara R. Walker
The Pennsylvania State University
Untelling the Past to Reimagine the Future: Transforming K-12 Education and Supporting the Transition to Higher Education in the Rural U.S. South
Christopher R. Lawton, Theodore J Kopcha, Melanie L. Hatch, Pamela Pitman Brown, Elizabeth Delancy, Matthew E. Stanley, Avis E. Williams, Andrew W. Cooper
Putnam County Charter School System
Comprehensive Sexuality Education Curriculum in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: A community-based participatory approach to contextually relevant programming
Relebohile Moletsane, Xolile Msimanga
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Use Your Voice: Linguistic Justice to Literacy Practice in the State of Georgia
Leah Panther, Eric Parker
Mercer University
Centering Trauma-Informed Practices (TIP) to Sustain TIP Knowledge and Reduce Secondary Traumatic Stress in Novice Teachers: An Interdisciplinary Research-Practice Partnership
Ofelia Schepers, Megan Brennan, Kathryn Young
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Strengthening the Miami-Dade Early Learning Partnership: IDEAS for Children
Rebecca Shearer, K. Lori Hanson, Marisol Diaz, Maria T. Riestra-Quintero,
Imelda K. Moise, Anabel Espinosa, Christine Delgado
University of Miami
SMALL GRANTS (March 2021 cycle)
Taking Stands and Transforming Stances: An Exploratory Study of Educators Evolving Perspectives on Linguistic Diversity as a Classroom Resource
Kate T. Anderson
Arizona State University Foundation for A New American University
Reconciliatory Education: Examining the new “First Voices” course
Jennifer Brant
University of Toronto
Equity Based Tools in Virtual Field Work and Induction of Elementary Mathematics Teachers
Susan O. Cannon
Mercer University
Internationalization in Isolation
Ariane de Gayardon, Daniela Craciun
University of Twente
Participatory Action Research of Higher Education Connected Learning in Emergencies
Jennifer DeBoer, Brenda M. Capobianco
Purdue University
Youth Participatory Action Research and Critical Literacy in the Context of Gentrification
Erin Rose Ellison
Sacramento State Sponsored Research
Foghlaim thumoideachais idirghlúine: A study of family language development in Northern Ireland
Mel M. Engman, Alison MacKenzie
Queen's University Belfast
The Effects of Public Housing on Children
Michael Gilraine
New York University
Optimizing Parental Empowerment and Engagement in Early Childhood Development Education in Embu County, Kenya
Ciriaka M. Gitonga
University of Embu
Gauging the Benefits of State-Funded Preschool for Early Language and Literacy: The Case of COVID-19
Elizabeth Burke Hadley, Eunsook Kim, Meaghan McKenna
University of South Florida
Improving Conceptual Understanding of University Mathematics Through Comparing and Contrasting Students’ Mathematical Writing
Ian Jones
Loughborough University
Examining race and representation in high school students’ library book choices
Grace MyHyun Kim
The University of Texas at Austin
On Black Family Mathematics Socialization during a Crisis: Studying Black Parental Responses to Remote Mathematics Teaching and Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Gregory Larnell
University of Illinois at Chicago
The Raciolinguistic Embodiment of Black Teachers and the Pedagogical Possibilities They Offer Black Language Speakers
Alice Y. Lee
University of California, Riverside
Supporting the Educational Journeys of Children of Incarcerated Parents through YPAR
Vera Lopez, Heather Griller Clark
Arizona State University Foundation for A New American University
Cultivating Communities Together: Examining and Supporting School+Community Collaboration
Edwin Mayorga
Swarthmore College
State safety-net policies and educational completion among mothers who had a nonmarital birth: Evidence from the post-welfare reform era
Sehun Oh
The Ohio State University
Assessing the Education of English Learners during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Springfield R-XII School District in Missouri
Kennedy O. Ongaga
Missouri State University
Ending Data Invisibility: Identifying and Defining Regional Public Universities
Cecilia M. Orphan
University of Denver
Exploring Discourses of Literacy Scholarship: Topic Modeling the Field of Literacy Education
Emily C. Rainey
University of Pittsburgh
Project-Based Learning in a College-Level Probability and Statistics Course
Indika P. Wickramasinghe Rathnathungalage, Camille S. Burnett, Janet Antwi, Aliakbar Montazer Haghighi
Prairie View A & M University
Development of a Measure of Equity-Based Social Emotional Learning Practices
Deborah Rivas-Drake, Gina McGovern
University of Michigan
Ingram State Technical College: Exploratory Case Study of Incarcerated Adults in Career and Technical Education
Frankie Santos Laanan
University of Utah
Rawia Awadallah about 3 years
Are universities in LMICs eligible for the grants? Can we send proposals for the grant calls?